Bicara tentang Keluarga - Talking about Family

Level: Pemula 1, Unit 1: Greetings and Introduction, Type: Conversation

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Soma: Halo Mbak Ade. Apa kabar?  (Halo, Miss Ade. How are you?)

Ade: Baik. Mas Soma gimana? (Good. How are you, *Brother Soma?)

Soma: Baik juga. Keluarga sehat, mbak? (I am good too. Your family is healthy, miss?)

Ade: Alhamdulilah sehat. (Thankfully, healthy)

Soma: Orang tuanya Mbak Ade tinggal di Bali juga ya? (Do your parents live in Bali too?)

Ade: Oh nggak. Bapak saya tinggal di Sumatera dan ibu saya tinggal di Jawa, mas. (No, they do not. My father lives in Sumatra and my mother lives in Java)

Soma: Oh gitu. Berarti di Bali tinggal sendiri? (I see. It means you live in Bali alone?)
Ade: Ya benar. (Yes, correct)

Soma: Mbak Ade ada adik atau kakak? (Miss Ade, do you have a brother or sister?)

Ade: Nggak ada. Saya saudara sendiri. Kalau Mas Soma? (No, I do not. I am the only child. What about you, brother Soma?)

Soma: Saya berempat mbak. Satu kakak perempuan dan dua adik, satunya perempuan dan satunya lagi laki-laki. (I have four siblings, miss. One older sister and two younger siblings, one a girl and the other a boy)

Ade: Wah seru ya banyak saudara. Mereka tinggal di Denpasar juga? (Wow, that is exciting to have lots of siblings. Do they live in Denpasar too?)
Soma: Nggak, mereka tinggal di kampung di Karangasem. Mbak Ade kapan ketemu keluarga? (No, they live in a village in Karangasem. Miss Ade, when will you meet your family?)

Ade: Biasanya pas Ramadan sih mas (Usually during Ramadan, brother)

Language and Culture Notes

Alhamdulilah = an Arabic phrase meaning "praise be to God"
Nggak, slang for 'tidak' = no/not
Ramadan = the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting (sawm), prayer, reflection and community.