John Makan di Warung

Level: Pemula 1, Unit 3: What would you like to order?, Type: Conversation

Listening is a powerful way to master a new language. We recommend you:

  • Listen to the audio repetively
  • If you are stuck, learn the transcript
  • Look up word meanings and learn words in contexts.



Permisi, boleh minta nota? (Excuse me. May I have the bill?)



Tunggu sebentar ya pak. (Wait a minute, Sir)



Baik. (Okay)



Ini notanya pak. Totalnya 250.000. (This is the bill, Sir. The total is 250,000)



Bisa pake kartu kredit? (Can I use the credit card?)



Maaf pak. Nggak bisa. (Sorry, Sir. We cannot)



Nggak apa-apa. Ini uang saya 300.000. Kembaliannya untuk Mas saja. (No problem. This is my 300,000 cash. The change is for you)



Terima kasih pak. (Thank you, Sir)



Sama-sama. Boleh pinjam toilet? (You are welcome. Can I go to the toilet)



Silakan. Toiletnya di sana. (Yes, please. The toilet is over there)

Answer the questions below.

1. Apa John sudah makan? (Has John eaten yet?)
2. Berapa harga makanan John? (How much does John's food cost?)
3. Apa di warung ini bisa pakai kartu kredit? (Can we use credit cards at this shop?)
4. Berapa uang kembalian John? (How much money did John get back?)