Boleh Kurang?
Level: Pemula 1, Unit 4: Can I have a discount?, Type: Conversation
Listening is a powerful way to master a new language. We recommend you:
- Listen to the audio repetively
- If you are stuck, learn the transcript
- Look up word meanings and learn words in contexts.
Answer the following questions based on the conversation
Brett mau beli apa? (What does Brett want to buy?)
Apa ukuran Brett? (What is Brett's size?)
Brett mau baju kaos warna apa? (What color of t-shirt does Brett want?)
Berapa harga celana dari Bu Komang? (How much does Mrs.Komang's pants cost?)
Berapa harga baju dari Bu Komang? (How much does Mrs.Komang's shirt cost?)
Berapa total diskon untuk celana dan baju Brett? (What is the total discount for Brett’s pants and shirt?)