Yuni dan Rekan Kerjanya

Level: Pemula 2, Unit 7: My boss is fussy, Type: Monologue

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Namaku Yuni. Aku dari Tabanan tapi aku tinggal di Denpasar. Aku kerja di toko sepatu. Aku kerja di sini sejak tahun 2015. Aku senang kerja di sini karena rekan kerjaku baik - baik. Mereka selalu ramah sama aku. Mereka juga membantu aku dengan sabar kalau aku lupa harga sepatu atau tempat stoknya.

Bosku sedikit cerewet tapi dia orang baik. Kadang - kadang dia datang ke toko dan ngobrol dengan karyawannya. Dia tidak suka karyawan yang malas jadi semua karyawan pura - pura kerja kalau dia datang.

Satu - satunya orang yang aku tidak suka di tempat kerjaku adalah atasanku. Dia supervisor di toko ini. Dia sombong dan pelit. Dia jarang tersenyum di depan bawahannya. Dia kadang - kadang tidak bayar kita kalau kita kerja lembur.


My name is Yuni. I'm from Tabanan but I live in Denpasar. I work in a shoe shop. I have worked here since 2015. I enjoy working here because my coworkers are nice. They are always friendly with me. They also help me patiently if I forget the price of the shoes or where they are in stock.

My boss is a little chatty but he's a good guy. Sometimes he comes into the shop and chats with the employees. He doesn't like lazy employees so all the employees pretend to be working when he comes.

The only person I don't like at my workplace is my boss. He's the supervisor at this shop. He is arrogant and stingy. He rarely smiled in front of his subordinates. He sometimes doesn't pay us if we work overtime.


1. Berapa lama Yuni sudah kerja di toko ini? (How long has Yuni been working at this shop?)


2. Yuni kerja sebagai apa? (What does Yuni work as?)


3. Siapa  yang jarang tersenyum? (Who rarely smiles?)


4. Bagaimana karakter bosnya Yuni? (How is the character of Yuni's boss?)


5. Gimana rekan - rekan kerja Yuni? (How are Yuni's colleagues?)


6. Apakah Yuni suka kerja di tempat ini? Kenapa? (Does Yuni like working at this place? Why?)
