Belanja di Pasar Tradisional

Level: Pemula 2, Unit 2: Shopping in a traditional market, Type: Conversation

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Jid, kamu lebih suka belanja di pasar tradisional atau di supermarket? (Jid, do you prefer shopping at a traditional market or a supermarket?)



Suka keduanya sih. Kalo kamu? (I like both of them. How about you?)



Jujur, aku lebih suka supermarket sih (Honestly, I prefer supermarkets)



Kenapa? (Why?)



Aku nggak jago nawar. Setiap belanja  di pasar tradisional selalu dapet harga yang lebih mahal (I'm not good at bargaining. Every time I shop at traditional markets I always get higher prices)



Oh gitu. Caranya gampang sebenarnya (Oh I see. The method is actually easy)



Gimana caranya? (How to do it?)



Kamu tanya harga pas di satu toko dan bandingin dengan harga di toko lain (You ask for the exact price at one shop and compare it with the price at another shop)



Wah.. bisa capek aku di pasar. Mendingan aku belanja di supermarket. Ada potongan harga. (Wow... I can get tired at the market. I'd rather shop at the supermarket. There are discounts)



Nah kalau diskon, aku juga suka (Well, if there's a discount, I like it too)



Terus, kenapa kamu suka belanja di pasar tradisional? (So, why do you like shopping at traditional markets?



Selain aku sering dapet harga yang lebih murah, aku juga mau bantu ekonomi lokal (Apart from often getting cheaper prices, I also want to help the local economy)



Kamu memang bijak! (You are indeed wise!)



Biasa aja. Tapi terkadang, aku juga belanja di supermarket kalau nggak ada barang yang aku cari di pasar (Not really. But sometimes, I also shop at the supermarket if there isn't anything I'm looking for in the market



Nah, itu juga alasanku kenapa aku lebih suka supermarket. Barang - barangnya lebih lengkap (Well, that's also my reason why I prefer supermarkets. The items are more complete)



Tapi kalau pasar besar seperti pasar Badung, kamu bisa cari apa aja di sana (But if it's a big market like Badung market, you can find anything there)



Iya sih (Yes, that’s right)


Kalo: kalau belanja: berbelanja

Dapet: mendapat oh gitu: oh begitu

Kenapa: mengapa gimana: bagaimana

Gampang: mudah bandingin:bandingkan

nggak/ enggak: tidak

Latihan 1

Answer these questions based on the conversation above.

  1. Kenapa Abid lebih suka supermarket? (Why does Abid prefer supermarkets?)


  1. Apa yang Jida suka dari pasar tradisional? (What does Jida like about traditional markets?)


  1. Gimana caranya mendapatkan harga lebih murah di pasar tradisional? (How do you get cheaper prices at traditional markets?)


  1. Apa Jida pernah belanja di supermarket? Gimana kamu tahu? (Have you ever shopped at a supermarket? How do you know?)


  1. Kenapa Abid bilang Jida orang yang bijak? (Why does Abid say Jida is a wise person?)
